Dr. Jennifer burt

Hi there, I’m Jennifer!

I’m an astrophysicist working at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labs where I specialize in the detection and characterization of exoplanets orbiting nearby stars.


I combine Doppler RV and transit photometry techniques to measure the masses and radii of small exoplanets, allowing us to try and figure out what they’re made of identify the planets that are best suited to future atmospheric characterization.


Outside of astronomy I’m a travel loving, board game enthusiast who seeks out excuses to take on fancy baking projects. I’m also a dancer (ballroom & west coast swing), an enthusiastic but terrible gardener, and a parent to one very vocal cat who is yelling at me as I write this.

Things to check out

Research interests

A quick tour of the science areas I’m most interested in and an overview of what I’m working on at the moment.

Education & outreach

Showcases some of the courses I’ve taught and my efforts to prepare the next generation of scientists for a career in the STEM fields.

publications & media

Lists of my publications, my CV,  and examples of my science communication efforts.

About me

Info on me as a person, beyond just the exoplanet enthusiast. 


You can reach me at:
Jennifer [dot] Burt [at] jpl [dot] nasa [dot] gov